Friday, May 15, 2009

OZ TV Torture Photos

OZ TV Torture Photos
OZ TV AIRS NEW TORTURE PHOTOS. That sentence is a headline of The Daily Mail today. That report told us about leaked torture photos. The OZ tv show some of torture photos belived a torture at prison in Iraq, Abu Ghraib.

A little over three years ago, SBS Dateline, an Australian television program, released leaked photographs from the U.S. prison in Iraq, Abu Ghraib.

It is believed that the pictures being held back by the Obama administration may include some of these shots that most of the US press ignored, although RAW STORY ran them in 2006.

After the posting of the photos, the ACLU released the following statement exclusive to RAW STORY.

“We continue to see undeniable evidence that abuse and torture has been widespread and systematic, yet high level government officials have not been held accountable for creating the policies that led to these atrocities,” said Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the ACLU. “We need to look up the chain of military command, because when the rule of law is not followed all of our personal freedoms are threatened. President Bush should appoint an independent counsel to uncover the full truth about the extent of the abuse and who is ultimately responsible.”

An article in the Guardian said, at the time, that “there were reports today that the US government was trying to prevent the new images being broadcast in the US.”

Earlier today, The Daily Mail ran a story about the 2006 photos which incorrectly claimed that they were first broadcast last night. Before the article was edited, today’s Daily Mail included the photo of the man hanging naked upside down seen below, and which, at this moment, is displayed at the Drudge Report under the headline “OZ TV AIRS NEW TORTURE PHOTOS.”

Today’s Telegraph incorrectly reports, “The images emerged from Australia yesterday where they were originally obtained by the channel SBS in 2006 in the wake of the Abu Ghraib scandal. They were not distributed around the world at the time but are now believed to be among those the president is trying to block.”

It’s unknown if any American television network has posted any of these photos in the last three years.

Disclaimer: The photographs follow, and are very graphic. They are only part of myriad unpublished photographs and what are believed to be six videotapes of the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib.

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